
End Of Sleep

Well, my sleep was extremely unsuccesful. I layed down and watched Enemy of the State, and then i did not fall asleep. I think i might be becoming an Insomniac. Not a crazy guy like Robin Williams, because he was crazy, and i'm not. Back to my original rant, well, i didn't really have any specific rant topic for now, but i hoped after typing for minutes on end, i would produce a topic over time. I might have one. Cartoon Network is selling themselves out. I think they are running out of money, and are desperately adopting new, and stupid shows to make up for their losses annualy.

Lets take My Gym Partner Is A Monkey for example, the show is extremely annoying and has no real point to it, but to annoy every teenager on the face of the planet. I see my bro enjoys it quite a bit, but i find it so annoying, every time i hear that stupid monkey say a retarded comment im going to punch someone. I just generally mean that the monkey is so annoying that i may just do something just as drastic as punch someone.

My bro and his friend are now proceeding to shoot Nerf guns at me. Until the next time i can come up with some crazy topic to rant about and state random things, yours unforgiving,



I have finally decided to go to bed. It has been a fun day today. You all heard one day in my life, but be ready everyday for another crazy rant abut Hitler, Aliens, African Americans, School, Old People, and Foster Care. So, all i have to say is that you'll never be safe again from my beautiful language of colorful disputes. no offense, unless your name is Joe, or however you spell it. So, again i say you'll never be able to hide, sleep, stand, sit, speak, think, or slouch without me entering your cranial cavity and producing strange thoughts. The minds, livers, lungs, and hearts of your body shall forever be scourged with the thoughts of me. So, I forever bid you adoo.


Well i guess i am here so i might as well make a meaningful post out of this. Let me think. hmmmmmm. I got it. Did Hitler really start WWII? I don't know if he did, but it isn't it weird how he is Jewish, but he wanted all the Jews dead? And didn't he get elected as the president of the NAZI party because he wanted to restore Germany to a world power? Did he just stray from his original goal, or was he pushed off the road? Think about this and truths and lies of the days past. I don't mean ponder, i mean think. Hard core think. When was the last time you actually thought about something? Really? i mean i think everyday about school, but i never really "think" until i write this blog daily, and currently 2 times in a night. I'm pretty sure I'm just typing to myself, and nobody actually reads this, but it makes me feel confident about myself. Like not a "I'm smart" confident, more like a "Questions. Answers?" kind of confident.

Another point I'd like to make is that the pyramids on earth look just like mountains on mars. Coincidence? i think not. I pondered this thought for quite some time. and i have come up with a solution. We are all descendants of aliens. The Egyptians were the first human beings on earth (in this time line), and they bred with the martians who capitalized Earth, which then produced the homo sapien strain of human beings. And then the Martians commanded them to build pyramids. Done pondering it yet, or even the first thought? didn't think so.

Spider-Man 3

What to say? The movie was dramatic of course, but their was a hidden meaning otherwise. I can't quite put my finger on it, but i feel like there is something i should be feeling after watching it. Other than my mysterious thoughts on the film, i thought it tons-o-action, and certain distinction of romance (Why not?). The movie felt like it went on for an eternity.

After the prolonged film, i went to a friends and am still awake as ever. My Illinoi friend was supposed to come visit from St. Charles, but his mother wasn't going to be home this weekend. Me, and my african american friend were extremely disapointed.

I'd like to finish this post with the statement of my current iMix, well really it's just a playlist, but you know what, nevermind, you can't see it, i haven't copyrighted it yet.