
End Of Sleep

Well, my sleep was extremely unsuccesful. I layed down and watched Enemy of the State, and then i did not fall asleep. I think i might be becoming an Insomniac. Not a crazy guy like Robin Williams, because he was crazy, and i'm not. Back to my original rant, well, i didn't really have any specific rant topic for now, but i hoped after typing for minutes on end, i would produce a topic over time. I might have one. Cartoon Network is selling themselves out. I think they are running out of money, and are desperately adopting new, and stupid shows to make up for their losses annualy.

Lets take My Gym Partner Is A Monkey for example, the show is extremely annoying and has no real point to it, but to annoy every teenager on the face of the planet. I see my bro enjoys it quite a bit, but i find it so annoying, every time i hear that stupid monkey say a retarded comment im going to punch someone. I just generally mean that the monkey is so annoying that i may just do something just as drastic as punch someone.

My bro and his friend are now proceeding to shoot Nerf guns at me. Until the next time i can come up with some crazy topic to rant about and state random things, yours unforgiving,


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